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Remedies in
The Children's Kit

Note: For additional information regarding administeration of these remedies, dosages, and possible contra-indications, see the Remedy Guide provided inside the Kit, or consult with a naturopathic doctor.

  • Arnicalm by Boiron contains a combination of homeopathic medicines (Arnica montana 9 CH, Bellis perennis 5CH, and Ledum palustre 5CH), developed for the special needs of children. It is used to promote healing and relieve pain in cases of injury including bumps, bruises, sprains, broken bones, inflammation, soft-tissue swelling, cuts, nosebleeds due to injury, punctures due to injury, insect or animal bites. Also in cases of dental treatment or surgery.

  • Auricum by Dolisos contains a combination of homeopathic medicines (Metallum Album 5CH, Ferrum Phosphoricum 5CH, Plantago Major 5CH), developed for the temporary relief of minor earache in children.

  • Calendula+ Cream by Homeocan contains the herbs Calendula Officinalis and Echinacea Angustifolia, which have been fortified with homeopathic medicines Hypericum Perforatum, Cantharis, Phytolacca Decandra, and Sulphur. It is used for the relief of skin irritations including minor burns, cuts, scrapes, diaper rash, insect bites, eczema flare-up, itching, chapped or cracked skin.

  • Consolin by Dolisos contains a combination of homeopathic medicines (Plantago Major 3CH, Belladonna 3CH, Chamomilla Vulgaris 3CH, Calcarea Phosphorica 3CH, Coffea Cruda 3CH, Rheum Officinale 3CH, Borax 5CH), developed for the relief of teething pain and associated symptoms, e.g. fever, diarrhea, restlessness, and irritability.

  • Rescue Remedy by Bach contains a special combination of flower essences used in first aid of physical or emotional shock or injury of any kind. Also, for relief from fear, emotional upset, trauma, irritability, fear in the night, sleeplessness, feelings of apprehension, or of anxiousness. Rescue Remedy is great for all the bumps and bruises that come with childhood.

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The information contained herein is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be, nor should it be interpreted as, medical advice.

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